my heart, in words

organized by people who broke me so much i had to write it down, me included.

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get me out of here jesus christ

to everyone i've tried to love

multiverse theory

another reality,
way past the sky

another me out there,
living her life

another you also,
living with me

in another life,
we could’ve been free.

factory mistake

if love is momentum
and life is a wheel,
am i really living
if my heart cannot feel?

often i’ve wondered
fling after fling,
why don’t i fall
do i lack a red string?

so i sigh and i ask
oh man who’s above,
did i really deserve
a heart that can’t love?

to R

setting light

the Sun may never peak,
the Tide may never rise,
was always yours,
were never mine.


Your name on the screen
With some luck next to mine
A lover, a loser, a coward, a swine
I sit and I yearn and I dwell in my love
I hate what I feel
I hate, that I hurt


once more, i choose you
i’ll be your shield
i’ll be your knife
and i’d live a thousand lives
choosing this every time


i’d win a war alone
i’d pray, i’d drown, i’d burn
and i’d cross oceans
and i’d kill gods
for your wishes alone, my love.


my love is devotion
i follow your bible
i’ll bleed and burn
for your love to be mine
i’ll slay all your foes
kill, slash, cut

yet it will always be there
your sword, in my heart

my name on her lips is the dream i yearn for as i settle for my name on her fingertips. the fingertips guilty of the words that made me fall in love. not the eyes, not the hair, not the body. i fell in love with her words, and in turn, i fell in love with her. i want her, i want more of her. i want to know her dreams, her ambitions, her favorite colour, how she wants her tea. i am obsession and i am consumption and i cannot stop. all the feelings i resented, deemed stupid, dramatic, take shape with her. she doesn’t love me and she never will, yet i can't help but fall asleep dreaming of her lips

to me


seeds on cement
fish on a tree
wasted potential
uselessly me

log off

a burden to carry
an absent friend
a failed daughter
disappointing again

what is the point?
just plug off the socket
please sign me off.


currents of air
whispers of wind,
nothing around me

in silence i live.

i dwell on this peak
to run from my life,
just me and myself

in my silence i thrive.

they try to come up
they want me down there,
but i am a hermit

in their noise i am bare.


if i could go back
and tell the child,
with the wildest hair
and the brightest eyes:

“enjoy the sun, the runs, the wilds,
life is not what you had in mind”

so dance, and run, and beware the lie:
“when you grow up it will all be fine”

because ‘fine’ is only a far cry
from the joy i had in mind